Monday, January 19, 2009

100 push up challenge: Week 1, Day 3

Wow... I just had the best workout.

...and YES, I did more than just walk to the fridge.

I started out by doing 4 sets of 20 tucked V-ups. If you aren't familiar with this exercise, you start in a hollow hold position (on your booty with you feet and back in the air in a laid out position). Then you bring your knees and chest up. Nearly touch your knees to your chest. Then, bring your body back to the original hollow hold position.

It is basically the same exercise as this picture, but the man has terrible form... AND I had my hands at my side rather than resting on the floor. Resting on the floor is a bit easier for those just starting out.

Well, after I did these, I sit sit ups with my weights. I did 2 sets of 20. Then I busted out 10 Days to a Better Body. Let me tell you... this was a damn good work out. I thought it was too easy at the beginning, but the weights really made a difference. Part way through, I was huffing and puffing like crazy.

Then, for some CRAZY reason, I decided to do Week 1 Day 3 of the 100 push up challenge AFTER all of my crazy arm exercises. Here are my results:

Set 1: 11
Set 2: 15
Set 3: 9
Set 4: 9
Set 5: 22
Total: 66 Push ups

I was VERY pleased with these results, especially when it came after the brutal video. I can't believe that I am already on Week 2 this week. It's crazy, but I already feel much stronger.

Oh and I forgot. I did a bunch of side to sides with 5 lbs of weights in each hand. Man, I wish my eating habits were as good as this workout.

How are all of you ladies doing? Although I am dreading it, I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning. I know I have gained some weight, but hey, I can't keep putting off weighing in just because I don't want to see the numbers rise. This blog is all about being real. I have been eating poorly, that is a fact. I need to see the numbers myself so that I can witness the consequences of my bad habits.

Keep up the hard work y'all. I really admire all of you that can eat healthy all this time. It really is difficult.

Take care until next time,

0 calories burned: